Perhaps you and your spouse have been separated for a while and now you are ready to pursue the divorce. You are considering divorce mediation and using a Massachusetts divorce mediator. Can we get divorced in Massachusetts if I already moved out-of-state? Answer: Yes, so long as you and your spouse meet certain requirements. The remaining spouse must have lived in Massachusetts for at least one year preceding the

commencement of the divorce if the cause of the divorce occurred elsewhere (perhaps you two were living in another state at that time). There is no waiting period if the remaining spouse lives in Massachusetts and the cause of the divorce occurred while living in Massachusetts. Attorney/mediator Kaplan has successfully mediated divorces when one spouse relocates either prior to the commencement of or during the Massachusetts divorce mediation process and the other spouse remains living in Massachusetts. Call Mediator Kaplan to review your circumstances to determine, "Can we get divorced in Massachusetts if I already moved out-of-state?" Your initial call is free. The first 1/2 hour of your divorce mediation consultation is free.