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Writer's pictureJRKaplan

Updates to the Massachusetts paternity statute

The Massachusetts Parentage Act (MPA) is new legislation, signed by Governor Healey on August 9, 2024, that updates our state law on establishing and recognizing legal parent-child relationships to include and protect more families, including LGBTQ families, families formed through assisted reproduction, and families which include a de facto parent.

The new law updates the “paternity” statute, Chapter 209C, so that its existing provisions are gender inclusive and to add new, comprehensive parentage provisions, including protections for children born through assisted reproduction and through surrogacy, and children of de facto parents. Chapter 209C is now titled “Non-marital children and parentage of children.” The law aims to ensure each child has a clear path to secure their legal parentage.

The MPA was fully bipartisan. The lead sponsors in the House were Rep. Sarah Peake (D) and Rep. Hannah Kane (R). The lead sponsors in the Senate were Senator Julian Cyr (D) and Senator Bruce Tarr (R). Both the House (June 12) and the Senate (July 30) unanimously passed the MPA, with final enactment on July 31, 2024.

The Massachusetts Parentage Act becomes effective on January 1, 2025. Read the new law.

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